Thursday, February 18, 2010

Averting Kama-tastrope!

Poor Alex! He loves weapons, he really does, but he is still only an 8-year old boy. Last night was the Bo-Staff test. I missed it due to a commitment at church (that is a whole other story!) and thus arrived really late to pick up the kids. Sheryl had the kamas, but was waylaid talking to someone who is interested in the program, so by the time she got back, it was just the four of us.

She realized that she had left the wooden kamas in the kid care, so I went after them while she showed the metal ones to David & the kids. By the time I returned, Sheryl was adamant that Alex only have the foam-blade kamas; seems Little Mister Weapons Fanatic immediately took the metal kama and struck the wood floor with the tip. Later, he was using the foam kamas (referring to the blades here since all have wooden handles) and hugged David from behind. If they had been metal, he would have slashed his father's neck. Not goody, as David says.

Alex was upset, but understood after awhile that he needs to earn the right to use metal, just being a Jr. Blackbelt is not enough. Ariana, however, looked at the kamas, touched them, but didn't immediately try to create a form with them like Alex did with the foam ones. Not sure if it an age or sex difference.

Oh, and yes, both kids earned their Bo-Staff patches. Alex's grade overall was a 9 and Ariana's was a 10. David earned his patch by grading the students. Guess I need to get out my sewing machine since Sheryl threatened David if he did NOT have his patch on his pants for the Black Belt test in June. He wanted to wait for his new uniform, but she was not having any of that.

It is really funny to see our petite Sensei threaten my big husband!

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